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Managed Security Solutions
Proactive Defense for Your Valued IT Infrastructure

Cybersecurity is a major concern for organizations today with corporate hacking organizations that generate revenue by attacking others, organized and state sponsored criminal groups and rogue nations seeking to steal information, hijack systems and extort money. Systems Plus understands that businesses have a responsibility to guard their employees, vendors, partners and customers against these threats. That’s why we offer a range of affordable managed security services to keep you protected. Our cybersecurity services can get you protected from any threat your systems may face. Whether it’s ransomware, phishing, stolen passwords, malware or any other type of attack, we have you covered.

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Managed Security Services
by Systems Plus


Whether it’s external protection such as intrusion detection and protection, safeguarding internal networks and servers or putting policies and procedures in place to promote security moving forward, let Systems Plus help you understand the risks and assist you in remediating them. We’ll leverage the best practices that we see at our various clients to protect your data and your organization.

Benefits of Managed Security Solutions for Business:

  • Deployment of best-of-breed security technologies
  • Risk analysis, governance and metrics
  • Installation of security patches, firmware and updates
  • Compliance with federal and/or industry standards and regulations
  • Identity and access management
  • 24/7 threat detection and monitoring of vital systems*

*Services available with select service level agreements – speak with a SPCI Team Member to learn more


Learn how Systems Plus safeguards your organization
from cyber threats

Systems Plus Computers, Inc.